Oh Womania Edition_3_May_2014 | Page 3

oh!!! wo-(man-ia) edition 3 may‘2014 Like men have this crazy sexual urge that they may end up sleeping with their own sister? I looked at them with rage. A rage that could kill all of them, and I kept looking until they realized the meaning of what they were saying. The mother was dead! They could have escalated their expressions to the mother too. Fortunately, they didn’t. They were abusing each other, I also remember the times when they cussed their best friend, they abused the grocer, the Indian cricket team, they cussed everyone. It was like breathing! Growing up with 4 brothers (fiction) My parents were the most amazing parents ever, I always believed. There were times when I would read articles about female feticide and would feel terrible about the girls who were never born. On one hand where other parents were dying to have a son, my parents struggled to have a girl. Despite my mother’s ill health, they kept taking chances until they had me, after 4 sons. That’s perhaps the reason I feel blessed. My mother passed away when I was a little kid. With four boys and a little girl, my father took immense efforts to bring us up. My eldest brother was 10 years older to me. I was always loved and taken care of, like a princess….. …..Until I grew up to understand things in details. More details! Growing up in a typical North-Indian household is a challenge in itself, especially when the girls are educated. The society doesn’t digest the fact that girls are being treated the way I was. I was always pushed to pursue education. No sooner I turned 21, than I had my own car. My eldest brother gave me all luxuries before I could even ask for it. I remember my first driving lesson. That lesson, did not just te