Oh Womania Edition_3_May_2014 | Page 10

oh!!! wo-(man-ia) edition 3 may‘2014 Women and Sex Sans marriage! India, the land of Kamasutra. The land of secret sex. The land where rapes happen every hour and where women are deemed unacceptable for having slept with a man, if she's not married to him. Women and Sex and all the paraphernalia attached with it... sigh! There are abuses for women who have a child out of wedlock. You know what I am talking about, right? I don't want to mention any titles here, because for me, it holds no prominence. A woman, who may have slept with more than 1 man, or would have had kids from more than 1 partner, or would have been earning money from this act of sexual gratification is not anything but a woman. Right and wrong can be pointed keeping in mind other aspects, but not if she is abandoned by a man and made to bear a baby or taken a liberty of making prostitution as her profession. Most of the times women, who get pregnant after being raped, or after doing favor to men, or indulging in unprotected sex, happen to get pregnant. But it takes a lot for her to make a decision of forsaking the baby and undergoing abortions. So in most cases, the woman keeps the baby. Because it is their basic right. No matter how many times and with how many different women, they have encounters; they won’t have any proofs – like a bulging bump with a baby inside. Men end up having satisfying orgasms, and women end up having babies, and so women who go around with men are whores! Well, all of this for what? For a mere existence in the society where women are wrong no matter what they do. Private, reproductory parts, sex, intercourse, foreplay, are all nature's gift. Procreation is nature's way of telling mankind that you have the power to produce a life. Womankind embraces