OH! Magazine - Australian Version February 2017 | Page 20

( Men ’ s Health )


Ashleigh Feltham explores optimum nutrition for men .
electing the best foods to support
S men ’ s overall health was not an
easy task , as each food has different nutrients that may benefit the body and promote health . But , after much consideration , here are my top nine key foods for men .
1 . Tomatoes
These fruits ( yes they are a fruit ) are important for men because they contain lycopene , which is linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer . Funnily enough , processed tomatoes actually contain more lycopene than fresh , so next time you make a a pasta dish or a chicken parmigiana , toss in a tin of tomatoes !
2 . Yoghurt
This source of dairy has so many health benefits including important probiotics that keep your gut healthy and help your metabolism and immune system function . Yoghurt can also help your bones stay strong and healthy , which aids in the prevention of osteoporosis ( and no , that ’ s not just an older person ’ s disease !). Dairy has increasing evidence to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease , high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes and some cancers . Selecting low or no fat sources will help your waistline but the most important factor is getting enough dairy for your health .
3 . Whole grains
Whole grains such as brown rice and pasta , quinoa and couscous , act as prebiotics to the probiotics in your gut . In other words , they feed the good bacteria in your gut to make sure they stay healthy and well . Whole grains provide energy and are important for your body to get B vitamins , which aid in the production of red blood cells .
4 . Fish
Eating fish two to three times a week , with each serving equal to 100g of fish gives your body a great start . Fish contains many important nutrients including omega-3 , which supports a healthy heart as well as improves your mood .
5 . Rainbow of vegetables
Each vegetable is important in a different way as it provides your body with different nutrients , phytochemicals and antioxidants , so eating the rainbow of veggies will help support the healthiest version of you . When you eat a variety of vegetables that differ in colour , you are providing yourself with more chances to help prevent cancers and disease , and support your immunity in the best possible way . Vegetables in all forms are a great low energy food with lots of fibre , which helps you feel fuller for longer . By ensuring around half of each meal is made up of vegetables , you will be less likely to overeat , be more likely to maintain a healthy weight , and you ’ ll probably feel better for it . And , you ’ ll be more likely to avoid developing the dreaded ‘ beer belly ’ , which means you ’ ll also reduce your risk of heart disease .
6 . Bananas
This fruit comes pre-packaged , does not require washing and is ready to eat ! It ’ s a great source of soluble fibre and potassium , which helps your blood pressure stay at a healthy level .
7 . Nuts
Thirty grams of nuts ( i . e . a small handful ) each day is a great healthy snack that contains lots of healthy fats and help healthy cholesterol types ( more of the good and less of the bad ) in your body . The fibre and protein in nuts helps you feel fuller for longer so you won ’ t be as tempted to reach for the donut or muffin from the office kitchen . Nuts also contain magnesium , a nutrient which may decrease your risk of developing type two diabetes .
8 . Oats
A timeless breakfast choice that has not lost it ’ s importance to your health . It contains three types of fibre , soluble , insoluble and resistant starch , which helps make you feel fuller for longer . The soluble fibre also helps lower your ‘ bad ’ cholesterol while the insoluble fibre keeps you a regular visitor to the bathroom . Having regular bowel movements is important as it may prevent cancers like colorectal cancer .
9 . Legumes
Legumes are a great alternative to meat , and they contain all three types of fibre . Of course , this has many benefits including promoting healthy cholesterol and improving how the body controls your glucose levels in your blood . Legumes can also help with weight management , and reduce the risk of diabetes , some cancers and heart disease .
Give these foods a try and you ’ ll be setting your body up to take on the world and promote long term health so you can be the best and healthiest version of you !