OH! Magazine - Australian Version April 2015 | Page 11
( Exercise Adherence )
Paul Brown checks in from Patagonia, Chile to
remind us that goal setting is good for us!
The 50 Sports in 50 Weeks crew and the
Brown family are in Patagonia, Chile reenacting their own version of the Desafio
Aysén (Eco Challenge) with a three-day
mountain trek, mountain bike and kayak
event over 40km of harsh and testing
Their mentor for this sport is Argentinian
champion athlete Fernando Ribas, who has
twice won the main event, which covers a
back-breaking 145km!
While Paul and Jacqui Brown might
consider the full distance event to be too
great a challenge for them and their nine-
year-old son Ben to tackle without extensive
preparation, others might look at what the
Browns have just undertaken as part of
their 50 sports mission with equal wonder.
So don’t let the feats of others put you off.
Instead, be inspired by them and find your
own new level of greatness by accomplishing
a previously untested benchmark.
It’s all relative, and no matter what your
experience or fitness level there is great
merit in setting yourself a goal to achieve
something that is a little outside your usual
comfort zone.
Importantly, do as the Browns have done
and find a great coach or mentor to ensure
a safe and successful outcome.
Go to http://vimeo.com/123664931
to watch a video from Paul.
The simple process of setting such a goal
will automatically give you something to
train for and, as a result, improve your
mindset and effort, which together, can
greatly enhance your performance.