OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 32


( 1 ) Farajzadeh , R .; Zaal , C .; van den Hoek , P .; Bruining , J . Life-Cycle Assessment of Water Injection into Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Using Exergy Concept . J . Clean . Prod . 2019 , 235 , 812 – 821 . https :// doi . org / 10.1016 / j . jclepro . 2019.07.034 .
( 2 ) Dong , H .; Fang , S .; Wang , D .; Wang , J .; Liu , Z . L .; Hou , W . Review of Practical Experience & Management by Polymer Flooding at Daqing ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2008 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 114342-MS .
( 3 ) Juri , J . E .; Ruiz , A . M .; Pedersen , G .; Pagliero , P .; Blanco , H .; Eguia , V .; Vazquez , P .; Bernhardt , C .; Schein , F .; Villarroel , G .; Tosi , A .; Serrano , V . Grimbeek2 : First Successful Application Polymer Flooding in Multilayer Reservoir at YPF . Interpretation of Polymer Flooding Response ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2017 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 185487-MS .
( 4 ) Delamaide , E . Comparison of Primary , Secondary and Tertiary Polymer Flood in Heavy Oil - Field Results ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2016 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 180852-MS .
( 5 ) Poulsen , A .; Shook , G . M .; Jackson , A .; Ruby , N .; Charvin , K .; Dwarakanath , V .; Thach , S .; Ellis , M . Results of the UK Captain Field Interwell EOR Pilot ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2018 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 190175-MS .
( 6 ) Wang , D .; Zhang , J .; Meng , F .; Liu , H .; Li , L .; Han , B .; Qi , L . Commercial Test of Polymer Flooding in Daqing Oil Field Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 1995 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 29902-MS .
( 7 ) Wang , D .; Cheng , J .; Wu , J .; Wang , G . Experiences Learned after Production of More than 300 Million Barrels of Oil by Polymer Flooding in Daqing Oil Field ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2002 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 77693-MS .
( 8 ) Anand , A .; Al Sulaimani , H .; Riyami , O .; AlKindi , A . Success and Challenges in Ongoing Field Scale Polymer Flood in Sultanate of Oman - A Holistic Reservoir Simulation Case Study for Polymer Flood Performance Analysis & amp ; Prediction ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2018 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 190431-MS .
( 9 ) Juri , J .-E.; Ruiz , A .; Serrano , V .; Guillen , P .; Thill , M .; Kichick , L .; Alonso , P .; Lucero , A .; De Miranda , V .; Mac Donald , W .; Figueroa , E .; Robina , N .; Vera , M .; Figueroa , E .; Di Pauly , F .; Rojas , W .; Ojeda , N . A Successful 18 % STOOIP 4-Injector Polymer Pilot Expands To 80 New Injectors In 6 Years Adopting A Modular Concept In Grimbeek Fluvial Reservoirs ; International Petroleum Technology Conference , 2020 . https :// doi . org / 10.2523 / IPTC-20285-MS .
( 10 ) Delamaide , E .; Let , K . M . S .; Bhoendie , K .; Paidin , W . R .; Jong-A-Pin , S . Interpretation of the Performance Results of a Polymer Flood Pilot in the Tambaredjo Oil Field , Suriname ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2016 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 181499-MS .
( 11 ) Sieberer , M .; Clemens , T .; Peisker , J .; Ofori , S . Polymer Flood Field Implementation - Pattern Configuration and Horizontal versus Vertical Wells ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2018 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 190233-MS .
( 12 ) Batonyi , A .; Thorburn , L .; Molnar , S . A Reservoir Management Case Study of a Polymer Flood Pilot in Medicine Hat Glauconitic C Pool ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2016 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 179555-MS .
( 13 ) Guo , H .; Dong , J .; Wang , Z .; Liu , H .; Ma , R .; Kong , D .; Wang , F .; Xin , X .; Li , Y .; She , H . 2018 EOR Survey in China-Part 1 ; Society of Petroleum Engineers , 2018 . https :// doi . org / 10.2118 / 190286-MS .
( 14 ) Juri , J .; Ruiz , A .; Schein , F .; Serrano , V .; Thill , M .; Guillen , P .; Tosi , A .; Pacchy , M .; Soto , L .; Therisod , A .; Paura , M .; Lauro , P .; Alonso , P . Grimbeek Successful Polymer Pilot Extends to 80 Injectors in Factory-Mode Development at CGSJ Basin ; European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers , 2019 ; Vol . 2019 , pp 1 – 14 . https :// doi . org / 10.3997 / 2214- 4609.201900061 .