OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 31

Maintaining combined OPEX and CAPEX at $ 3 to $ 6 / bbl allows polymer flooding to be economically attractive .
first captive polymer production plant for polymer EOR . Since then , many EOR projects have been documented . These projects have shown that polymer flooding increases RF by 15 - 20 % of the OOIP 6 13 over water-flooding . Furthermore , these projects report an average UF of 1.7 kg of polymer per incremental barrel of oil , or 80 tons of additional oil per ton of polymer injected . This UF is attractive , considering today ’ s polymer costs . Thus , polymer flooding can generate significant short-term production with a low incremental cost compared to exploration .
SNF is the leader for EOR polymer manufacturing , with more than 20 local production plants near oil production areas combined with unique logistics and engineering services to bring the polymer from the plant to the reservoir simply and efficiently .
SNF has also developed surface facilities integrated into sea containers , commissioned before transport to onshore or offshore sites , and connected to existing water pipelines 14 . This “ plug and pump ” approach accelerates the implementation of polymer injection . In turn , this modular approach offers operators flexibility by enabling incremental deployment from pilot to potential full-field development , as well as simple facility relocation to another part of the field if needed . Thus , CAPEX is phased with the different project phases , helping to maximize efficiencies and return on investment . Also , rental options are possible .
Maintaining combined OPEX and CAPEX at $ 3 to $ 6 / bbl allows polymer flooding to be economically attractive , even in a low oil price environment , while adding proven reserves and accelerating oil recovery .
Maintaining combined OPEX and CAPEX at $ 3 to $ 6 / bbl allows polymer flooding to be economically attractive .
Unquantified additional savings have been observed from the drag reduction effect the polymer has on produced water transport . This drag reduction effect can be seen when the polymer presence exceeds 50 ppm , with up to 70 % less friction of the fluid on pipes , elbows , etc . New oil and water separation techniques also enable reducing the fresh polymer consumption by up to 35 % after polymer breakthrough by reinjection of the produced polymer . This polymer becomes a high value sustainable recycled material . Furthermore , overall oil field chemical consumption can also be reduced , immediately resulting in proportional cost savings and GHG reduction associated with the production .
Specific to the GHG footprint of the polymer itself , SNF ’ s manufacturing processes are designed to minimize the environmental impact of our operations . Our primary monomer is produced enzymatically at room temperature under atmospheric pressure . Given the high volumes involved , this biological continuous catalytic process makes SNF a pioneer of soft chemistry . Polyacrylamide is carbon-efficient chemistry since only 3 carbons per repeating unit provide the benefit of the macromolecular structure to the injected water ( as opposed to 10 carbons for polyethylene terephthalate and 8 for polystyrene ).
Challenging times provide an opportunity to innovate . Deployment of polymer flooding is a cost-effective approach to maximizing the productivity of your current assets while preserving the environment by reducing water use and GHG emissions .
With global sales of about $ 4B ($ 1B for the Oil industry ), SNF is the leader for EOR polymer manufacturing , with more than 20 local production plants near oil production areas combined with unique logistics and engineering services to bring the polymer from the plant to the reservoir simply and efficiently . SNF is uniquely positioned to support polymer EOR technology from FEED to production , including field servicing when necessary .
Our chemists , engineers , and reservoir experts are here to answer your questions and to help you with every step of your project .
www . snf . com eor @ snf . com