OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 15

by providing various training and talent development opportunities . We have built up local participation , both in terms of employees and suppliers , and will continue to further this participation with the aim of surpassing local content targets .
OGI : During the Covid-19 crisis many companies have stepped up their help to the medical sector , could you talk about some of the things Yinson has done in this regard ?
Yinson : To date , we have contributed over RM1 million worth in value of essential medical equipments and safety supplies to various organisations in the regions where we operate , all in support of the on-going battle against the Covid-19 pandemic . We decided to do our part to help out by donating essential supplies such as face masks , face shields , and sterile surgical gowns when there was a critical crunch for essential protective medical supplies all around .
In Ghana , we recently donated a Biological Safety Cabinet along with consumables for Covid-19 testing to the National Public Health Reference Laboratory which enables the laboratory to carry out more Covid-19 tests in shorter periods of time . We have also donated 6,000 face masks to Ghana ’ s National Commission for Civic Education (“ NCCE ”) as well as infrared thermometers , blood pressure monitors , laptops and printers to the Ayawaso West Municiple Health Directorate in Accra .
OGI : Could you speak about the work you are doing in Brazil ?
Yinson : Brazil has always been an interesting market for the FPSO industry . It was after Yinson has acquired Fred Olsen Production ASA , that we decided to embark on the prequalification process with Petrobras and subsequently started bidding for the Marlim and Parque das Baleias projects . To develop the local knowledge required to successfully bid for these projects , we worked with our local partner , Petrocean , to qualify estimates for the cost levels in order to reach an attractive cost basis versus risks for our bids . As mentioned above , we were awarded our first Brazil project in 2019 . Since then , we have
FPSO Abigail-Joseph .
established an operations office in Rio de Janeiro , attracted experienced key employees and are now preparing to start teaming up with key service contractors .
Moving forward , we are committed to working with our client , Petrobras , to grow our business in Brazil . Our plan includes working on setting up our other operations base in Macaé which will come with both a warehouse and storage area . We will also continue our efforts in attracting and employing new employees . We are also preparing new bids both for Petrobras and other potential clients . To deliver on these commitments , we are working hard to gather more working knowledge of local subcontractors and suppliers in the region as these new projects will require a relatively high degree of local content .
Yinson donates Biological Safety Cabinet and testing consumables to National Public Health Reference Laboratory .
OGI : Nowadays it is very important for companies to be conscious of the sustainability of their operations , could you explain to our readers Yinson ’ s 3-year plan ?
Yinson : To be ‘ Sustainable ’ is a core value of Yinson , and Sustainability remains as a key value driver for Yinson ’ s business and operations . At Group-level , we have renewed our Sustainability Policy and established a 3-Year Sustainability Plan . This Plan seeks to further operationalise all initiatives under the broad umbrella of Environment , Social and Governance (“ ESG ”), covering , for example , better monitoring of environmental aspects ; more robust practices towards improving learning and development within the Group ; as well as plans for enhancing sustainability reporting .
To do so , we have included a continuous improvement process that is outlined by our quarterly Sustainability Committee meetings , where we deliberate on improving corresponding ESG initiatives . This translates downward to the operations level , where we strive to maintain our current robust levels for corporate governance , as well as environmental and social performance towards achieving our goal of ‘ zero accidents , zero harm to the environment ’.
Beyond internal efforts when it comes to continuously improving sustainability of our operations , the Group has also recently diversified into Renewables . This is in line with our commitment to align to the global narrative for low-carbon solutions in the current energy landscape .
OGI : Thank you for your time . • Contact details : Phone : + 47 22 34 01 10 Email : enquiries . no @ yinson . com Website : www . yinson . com