OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 14


Yinson Continues FPSO Work Around the Globe

OGI sits down with regular contributor and FPSO specialist Yinson , to talk a bit about how they help keep energy flowing around the world during these difficult times that we face with the Covid-19 Pandemic . It ’ s no small feat to complete the conversion of an FPSO for Nigeria in possibly record time of only 7 months . Yinson ’ s operations in Nigeria and Ghana has enabled them to recruit from the local talent pool through the provision of training and talent development , while simultaneously building up local participation via local suppliers . The company has also managed to support the local populations with essential medical equipment in the ongoing fight against Covid-19 .
OGI : Could you talk about the status of the projects you are currently executing ?
Yinson : Yinson currently has two FPSO projects under construction .
The first is FPSO Abigail-Joseph , chartered by FIRST E & P for use in the Anyala and Madu field in Nigeria . The FPSO ’ s conversion and life extension phase was completed in late February 2020 at the Keppel Benoi shipyard in Singapore . This phase was completed safely in less than 7 months , which is believed to be the world ’ s fastest delivery of a brownfield FPSO modification and upgrading project . She had a relatively smooth voyage to Nigeria , with timelines only slightly affected by the Covid-19 situation . She arrived at her final destination at the Anyala and Madu field in offshore Nigeria on 23 July 2020 and had all mooring lines hooked-up in mid-August . Hook-up of risers and umbilicals to the FPSO was completed in early September . We look forward to completing final commissioning and achieving the next milestone , first oil production .
Our second vessel under construction is FPSO Anna Nery , which is our first Brazil asset and our largest project to date . LOIs were signed with our client Petrobras in October 2019 , then definitive contracts entered into in March 2020 . Sumitomo Corporation is partnering with us on this project with a 25 % stake . FPSO Anna Nery has also recently entered into the next phase of
FPSO Abigail-Joseph ’ s Construction Management Team .
construction , marked by the sailing away from the Cosco Qidong shipyard to the Cosco Changxing shipyard in Shanghai , China . In this phase , the FPSO will undergo both first and second dry docking and hull reinforcement works . Conversion works are progressing well , with demolition activities completed , and module fabrication works underway . In another project milestone , FPSO Anna Nery achieved 1 million manhours without Lost Time Injury (“ LTI ”) in mid-September 2020 .
FPSO Anna Nery .
OGI : Could you tell us more about your operations in Africa ?
Yinson : Having established our presence in the African region starting with Nigeria through our predecessor , Fred Olsen Production ASA some 25 years ago , our operations in Africa has always been strong . Currently , we have two projects in Nigeria – FPSO Adoon for client , Addax Petroleum , and recently arrived at the Anyala and Madu oil field , FPSO Abigail- Joseph as mentioned above .
The Ghana oil and gas market may be relatively young when compared to others in the region , but we are pleased to observe that increasing consistency and stability in regulatory measures are developing nicely .
In Ghana , we have FPSO John Agyekum Kufuor (“ FPSO JAK ”) by client , ENI . While the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has affected our operations in Ghana and subsequently our financial results for the first two quarters of 2020 , we are pleased to share that our production and safety performance has remained unchanged and remain at world class excellence levels .
In both countries , we strive to remain as not only the partner of choice to our clients with our unrivalled production uptime and excellent safety performance , but also an employer of choice to the local talent pool