Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 29

North Rocks CSC – The year that was RECEIVED MORE THAN RESPONDED TO MORE THAN CALLS SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS 500,000 28,000 ANSWERED PROACTIVELY CALLED 160,000 9,000 SALESFORCE CASES CUSTOMERS TO UPDATE THEM ON THEIR BACK ORDERS Port Macquarie lends a hand At Officeworks we pride ourselves on safety. Two years ago we had defibrillators installed into all Officeworks sites. Defibrillators that are used in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest can increase the chance of survival to over 70%. Recently at Officeworks Port Macquarie (NSW) a member of the public came into the store asking if they had a defibrillator as a customer at a nearby business had gone into cardiac arrest. Team Member Kasey Ross took the store’s defibrillator and assisted the person in giving lifesaving first aid, including CPR and using the defibrillator. Well done to Kasey for her quick thinking and demonstration of safety leadership. As a result of the first aid provided by Kasey and the emergency personnel on scene, the customer survi ved. INVESTED MORE THAN 2500 HOURS TRAINING AND COACHING Capalaba supporting local women’s group A group of team members from Officeworks Capalaba (Qld) enjoyed a high tea and supported the Redlands Womens Centre. The centre provides support and activities for woman of all ages to further their abilities and lifestyles. This incident highlights how important an investment the defibrillators are, not only for the benefit of our Team Members and customers, but for the communities where we live. 29