Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 28
A boy named Felix
Sandra Bell (Business Specialist
Instore – Doncaster, Vic) shares
the following beautiful story
about a seven-year-old boy
named Felix.
He entered our Ollie Kids’ Club
August colouring competition
and was thrilled when we made
the call to his mum to let Felix
know he had won the $20 gift
card. But it was when Felix came
in to collect his prize he surprised
me and I was nearly reduced
to tears when he told me he
wanted to donate his $20 gift
card to the children who couldn’t
afford books for school. With his
mother’s help he handed over
two 10 dollar notes and donated
it to The Smith Family.
CSC Live Chat launch
This year, Live Chat was launched
on the Officeworks website. The
Customer Resolution Group (CRG)
in the North Rocks CSC handle
all live chat engagements. This
new functionality supports our
Strategic Objective of ‘Delivering
great service: Anywhere,
anyhow, anytime’ by delivering
a differentiated CSC Customer
Experience. The CRG team handled
40,000 chats since its launch in
October. Well done team!