Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 26

Coding Kids learn with Aaron Storey (Highett) How long have you been working at Officeworks? Six years. Are you studying? Yes, I study Information Technology at RMIT University. How do you help make bigger things happen at Officeworks? Alongside our awesome supportive team and leadership at our store, I try to ensure every customer can achieve their goals through the products we have on offer, and to develop a positive customer relationship. What do you enjoy about teaching the coding classes? I enjoy many things in teaching these classes, but the thing I most enjoy is watching the kids so seamlessly learn and advance on their own. Once you introduce the basic idea, they fly right ahead! Why do you think teaching kids coding is important? With our lives becoming more and more digital every day, knowing how to code will give kids today a huge advantage for their future. How do parents and customers react to our coding classes? Many customers who walk past are very curious, sometimes they ask if they can join in! I think the parents however really enjoy seeing their kids learn something productive in a very hands-on tangible setting. What futuristic technology do you hope exists in 50 years time? Super fast travel between countries and continents. What is the number one item on your bucket list? Take a tour through the Googleplex HQ in California. STEM support for local kindergarten The team at Officeworks Marion (SA) have been donating different items over the last six months, to help the local students at Mitchell Park Kindergarten with their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Project. In line with our focus on education, Mitchell Park Kindergarten director, Peta Paynter, said the kindergarten has a particular focus on teaching “curiosity, cooperation, confidence, enthusiasm, persistence and imagination.” Old mobile phone dummies were donated for the kids to play with and the triangle corners (from MacBook packaging) were a huge hit for construction activities. The kindergarten recently held an open day, where one of our Team Members, Katrina 26 Wilford, participated by handing out Ollie colouring in books. Through this relationship, the team have been able to support local students through their learning journey.