Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 2

What’s in this issue? Hi team News stores........................................03 Welcome to the Spring edition of Pinpoint. Meet the team – Tamworth (NSW)...............................04 This edition celebrates our 2017 Officeworks Award winners. Congratulations to all the winning teams and thank you to everyone who took part in the nomination process. The quality of nominations was outstanding and a reflection of a great year’s work across all teams. Officeworks Awards.........................06 National Leadership Conference.......................................10 Meet the team – Laverton CFC......12 Business team conference.............14 Positive Difference Plan...................15 Social media.....................................27 Team Tales.........................................28 Great Service feedback.................32 Team celebrations...........................34 Service milestones...........................36 Pet gallery..........................................38 My secret life.....................................39 This issue of Pinpoint was printed on a mixture of recycled and FSC certified paper, and was produced by the Officeworks Internal Communications team. Thanks to team members Bhavik Shah (photography), Gabby Costanzo (design) and all other team members who submitted content for this edition of Pinpoint. We’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you think of Pinpoint by emailing Officeworks Communications@ 2 A consistent theme throughout our 2017 Officeworks Award winners was a clear demonstration to bring Our Purpose ‘to help make bigger things happen’ to life. We all have a role to play in helping make bigger things happen for our team, customers, shareholders, suppliers and communities and I encourage you and your teams to share your examples of living Our Purpose on Yammer as it’s great inspiration for our team. “It’s great to see that Officeworks’ service stacks up with some of the best in the world” The Leadership Conference was a great opportunity to bring our leaders together to celebrate a great year’s work, acknowledge what we did well as well as look ahead to this year’s Strategic Objectives. A personal highlight for me during FY17 was achieving our highest ever Great Service Score. Some of us have recently been overseas looking at other retailers and it’s great to see that Officeworks’ service stacks up with some of the best in the world. Let’s continue to focus on delivering great service and aim for an even better Great Service Score in FY18. Restoring Australia headlines another packed PDP section and I was thrilled to be down in Tasmania recently to launch this wonderful initiative. It goes to the heart of Our Purpose and will leave a legacy that our Officeworks community and customers can be proud of for generations to come. If you haven’t yet watched the external launch video please do so, share it with your family and friends and talk about it with customers who purchase one of our 8000 paper and wood based office supplies products. As we head into the busy Christmas and Back to School period I ask that every team member keeps safety top of mind. It’s important that we don’t take shortcuts and we take every step to ensure that every team member goes home safely. Lastly, a warm welcome to all new team members, including a special welcome to Rachael and the team from Exhibition Street (Vic) and Matt and the team from North Lakes (Qld). Please keep up the great work, stay safe and enjoy this edition of Pinpoint. Wardy