Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 19

East Vic Park (WA) helping create a diverse team In July, Officeworks East Vic Park (WA) Store Business Manager Mark Leahy, Geoff Tearle (HR Manager), and Natalie Melvin (Sourcing Partner), represented Officeworks WA at the Aboriginal Workforce Development Centre’s (AWDC) annual ‘Deadly Jobs Expo’. Established by the Department of Training and Workforce Development in 2010, the AWDC assist Aboriginal people in Western Australia to get into training, find employment or further their career. At the same time, the AWDC have supported WA employers to make their workplaces and employment practices more culturally sensitive and welcoming to Aboriginal people. Held in conjunction with NAIDOC 2017 Family Day, it is Perth’s largest NAIDOC Week event and provides a unique opportunity for employers to engage with over 4000 local Aboriginal people who attend this event each year. This was a fantastic opportunity to showcase and discuss our career opportunities. Officeworks strives to build a more diverse team by creating more Indigenous employment opportunities. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders make up approximately 3% of the Australian population. It is our goal that indigenous team members represent 3% of the Officeworks team. At the Officeworks National Leadership Conference, David Hayes (Regional Manager) explained, “This objective is not just about achieving a target. It’s about building meaningful employment experiences and community connections.” Share your story and read more updates about diversity at Officeworks on the ‘Diversity at Officeworks’ Yammer group. Hot off the press print, Just prior to Pinpoint going to orks cew Offi t tha ced it was announ 2017 the via 0 0,00 $25 e rais ed help done to Wall of Hands Appeal! Well of the t por sup r you on all involved eracy Australian Literacy and Num ous gen Indi Foundation and education. For more news and images visit Yammer. 19