Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volumn 2013 | Page 27

• investigation follow-up — the procedures for investigation follow-up should describe the time frame for addressing the behaviour, any corrective actions to be taken at the workplace, as well as arrangements for addressing adverse symptoms. Corrective actions should be taken promptly, following the investigation, and ensure the bullying and harassment stops. This could include revising workplace procedures to prevent any future bullying and harassment incidents in the workplace. • record-keeping requirements could include an expectation that workers keep written accounts of incidents to submit with any complaints, or that the employer keep a written record of any investigation findings. The purpose of an investigation is to determine whether bullying and harassment has occurred. The employer should make it clear that complaints will be treated seriously and address Y??\K??Y??[??H??\Z[??[??Y[???[Z[??[?\?\??Y[?\?H??XX??[?[\?Y\??&\?]Y\?[?\??H???\????\[??][?X? ??[??\?Y?][????[???(????H[?\?Z?[???\H[?[Y?[?K[??H\???Y?\??X?\??\?H[?B??\??[\?[??\???(????H?Z\?[?[\\?X[ ??Y[???Z\??\??????H??\Z[?[?[??\??[?[?]?[X][?H[Y?][????(????H?[??]]?H?H[?\?\???[\?Y\?[?XZ[?Z[????Y[?X[]H?H^[?????X?H[?H?\??[\?[??\???(????H???\?Y??[?[???X??[?]?Y[??K?X???[[??YH[?\??Y]???]B???\Z[?[? ?\??[? [?[?H?]?\??\???(???[????]K?\?H?X?\??\?K[?H?YY??\]Y\????HH??\Z[?[????\??[??]?H\??\?[??H\?[??H[??\?Y?][????\???L?????\?H?\?X??[???X?B??