Off-Campus Living Guide 2014 | Page 27

OTHER LAWS & VIOLATIONS Minor in Possession (MIP): No person under the age of 21 shall attempt to purchase, acquire or have in their possession any alcoholic liquor (ECC 4.115 and ORS 471.430). * No minor shall have in his or her system any alcoholic liquor (ECC 4.115). Offense: Violation Fine: Up to $250 [ECC 4.115(1)] / Up to $720 [ECC 4.115(2)] Minor Falsely Representing Age: A person less than a certain age who knowingly purports to be older with the intent of securing a right, benefit or privilege which by law is denied under that certain age (ECC 4.145 or ORS 165.805). Prohibited Noise: Intentionally or recklessly creating or continuing any noise disturbance (meaning any sound which injures or endangers the safety or health of a human, or which annoys or disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivities). Operating or permitting the use or operation of any device designed for sound production between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. that is plainly audible within another dwelling; the same applies on public property or right-of-ways if it is plainly audible at a distance of 50 feet or more (ECC 4.080 and 4.083). Offense: Crime Fine: Up to $500 (jailable) Giving False Information to a Police Officer: Knowingly uses or gives a false name, address, or date of birth for the purpose of an officer issuing a citation (ECC 4.906). Prohibited Noise – Failure to Cease: Failure to cease minutes after receiving notice noise disturbance within 30 mi or a citation; or intentionally or recklessly creating the same or similar noise disturbance within six months of having received a citation (City Ordinance 4.081). Offense: Crime Fine: Up to $2,500 (jailable) Offense: Crime Fine: Up to $1,500 (jailable) Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument I (Fake I.D.): A person commits the crime of possession of a forged instrument in the first degree if, knowing it to be forged and with intent to utter same, the person possesses a forged instrument issued by a government or purporting to be of a kind issued by a government (ORS 165.022). Disorderly Conduct: With intent to cause public inconvenience or annoyance or recklessly creating a risk thereof: a) Engages in fighting or violent behavior; En b) Makes unreasonable noise; c) Disturbs any lawful assembly; d) Obstructs any vehicular or pedestrian traffic; e) Refuses to disperse when ordered to do so; f) Initiates or circulates a report known to be false regarding fire, crime or other emergency; g) Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition. Note: “Public” means three or more offens people disturbed or inconvenienced (ECC 4.725). Offense: Crime Fine: Up to $500 (jailable) or 30 days in jail Offense: Class C Felony Fine: Up to $125,000 (jailable) Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor: No one shall sell, give or otherFu wise make available any alcoholic liquor to a person under the age of 21 years (ECC 4.110 or ORS 471.410). Offense: Class A Misdemeanor Crime Fine: Up to $1,000 or community service, or both [ECC 4.110(3)] Allowing Alcohol Consumption by Minors: No person who exercises control of private real property shall knowingly allow a minor to drink alcohol on the property or remain on the property after consuming (ECC 4.110(3) or ORS 471.410-3). Offense: Violation Fine: 1st up to $350 / 2nd up to $1,000 / 3rd up to $1,000 and not less than 30 days of imprisonment Open Container/Consumption in Public: Consumption of of alcoholic liquor or possession o an open alcoholic beverage container is prohibited in all public places and all private property extended to the public for use (ECC 4.190). Offense: Crime Fine: Up to $500 (jailable) Interfering with a Police Officer: Intentionally acts in a manner that prevents, or attempts to prevent a police officer from performing the lawful duties of the police officer with regard to another person; or refuses to re obey a lawful order by the police officer (ORS 162.247 and ECC 4.907). Offense: Class A Misdemeanor Fine: Up to $6,250 (jailable) Note: All offenses described above in accordance with a city ordinance may also be prosecuted under state law with greater potential penalties. * ORS = Oregon Revised Statues (Oregon state laws); ECC = Eugene City Code (Eugene city laws) Offense: Crime Fine: Up to $1,000 (jailable) Rioting: A person commits the crime of riot if while participating with five or more persons the person engages in tumultuous and violent conduct and thereby intentionally and recklessly creates a grave risk of causing re public alarm (ORS166.015). Offense: Class C Felony Fine: Up to $125,000 (jailable)