What is the Social Host Ordinance?
» The Ordinance on Unruly Gatherings
(often referred to as the Social Host
Ordinance) is a NEW law for the City
of Eugene.
» It holds individuals (social hosts) criminally
responsible for hosting or allowing an unruly
event or social gathering (party).
» The property owners will also be penalized if
there are multiple occurrences at the same
property. (Ordinance #20504)
What is an “unruly” gathering?
» The ordinance defines an unruly gathering as
a party or gathering at the property where
alcohol is served or consumed, and where
any two or more of the following occurs:
» violation of state or City of Eugene laws
relating to sale, service, possession or
consumption of alcoholic liquor, including
minor in possession and serving alcohol to
» disorderly conduct, noise disturbance,
criminal mischief, public urination or
defecation, littering, assault, menacing
harassment, or intimidation.
What are the penalties for violating this law?
» Violators will be issued citations of up to
$1,000, and repeat offenders will also have
to pay for police, fire, and emergency
response, and repair costs for [XY