Age-in Grade Enrolment - Secondary Schools
Age Distribution Secondary Pupils
Enrolment Across Age / Grade Pre-primary and Compulosry Education by Sex
The following graphs present a picture of transitions across each grade/form level from kindergarten, primary and secondary education, shown separately for males and females for each country’s base year. Ideally, the graphs should be relatively flat, tapering off towards the end of secondary due to attrition, migration, etc.
- marked increases in enrolment from one grade to the next could indicate
bottlenecks in the system;
- marked decreases in enrolment from one grade/form to another could indicate
problems of access for students to that particular grade/form;
- marked decreases also indicate declining enrolment as a result of decline
population rates.
Figure 20 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - Antigua and Barbuda
Figure 21 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age
Figure 22 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - Grenada
Figure 23 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - Montserrat
Figure 24 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - St Kitts and
Figure 25 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - Saint Lucia
Figure 26 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - St Vincent and the Grenadines
Figure 27 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - Virgin Islands
Figure 28 Student Enrolment in Grades by Age - The OECS Region
Post-Secondary/Tertiary Enrolment by Programme of Study
This section details trends in enrolment in pre-schools, primary and secondary schools for countries over a five year period (2009-2014) where available. Information on Gross and Net enrolment rates (GER and NER) and Gender Parity Index (GPI) for pre-school enrolment could not be provided for 2013-14 due to the unavailability of population figures for this age group.