Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 77

'The world is his who can see through its pretensions. What deafness, what stone-blind custom, what overgrown error you behold, is there only by sufferance – your sufferance. See it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it a mortal blow.' - Emerson Our behaviour invariably reflects our understanding, are called to allow our innate mercy and kindness to shine and yet our behaviour also determines what level of forth and to confront the indoctrinated assumptions that understanding we are able to attain. promote cruelty. While we are granted varying degrees The calling we hear today is the persistent call of privilege depending on our species, race, class, and to evolve. It is part of a larger song to which we all gender, we are all harmed when any is harmed; suffering contribute and that lives in our cells and in the essential is ultimately completely interconnected because we are nature of the universe that gives rise to our being. It is a all interconnected, and socially-constructed privilege song, ultimately, of healing, joy, and celebration because only serves to disconnect us from this truth of our all of us, humans and non-humans alike, are expressions interdependence. of a beautiful and benevolent universe. It is also a song of This exploration is intended for readers of all religious darkest pain and violation, due to our accepted practices traditions as well as those who do not identify with of dominating, commodifying, and killing animals – and any particular tradition. Like the Golden Rule, which people. In order to confine and kill animals for food, articulates a principle that is pronounced by all the world's we must repress our natural compassion, warping us religious traditions and is intuitively accepted by people away from intuition and toward materialism, violence, of every culture and persuasion, the principles discussed and disconnectedness. The song of the new mythos that in this book are universal and can be understood and yearns to be born through us requires our spirits to be practiced by all of