Odyssey Insight Vol. 2 | Page 23

1. Of. relating to, or producing music The first definition of musicals, when it says relating to life, I think that means there are different lessons to be taught and different lessons to learn.

2. Of the nature of resembling music; melodious; harmonious In the second defintion of musicals, whenever it adds 'nature of resembling music' I think that is saying musicals are trying to symbolize the reality of things not always the ideal things.

There are so many things to learn from musicals, and even being apart of one could be a great opportunity to learn and have fun. Musicals always have a meaning but sometimes you just have to look deeper. So, they can have all different meanings, but there is always something to take away.

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musical: adjective


3. Fond of or skilled in music.

For the third defintion I believe that it is saying to be able to be in a play you have to value it.

4. Set to or accompanied music-For the last defintion, I believe that this means, music doesn't follow the setting; the setting follows the music.