at your dining room table , having a workspace to claim as your own is essential . Standing desks are a great option to keep you alert and focused throughout the day if you have the budget and space for one .
Of course , you ’ ll want to keep your workspace clean and free of clutter . Clutter can be especially distracting in moments where we are already feeling stressed or unproductive . Beyond just keeping a clean workspace , consider what sort of things bring you joy and help keep you focused . I keep a diffuser at my desk with essential oils that boost focus for days when I need to power through a lengthy project without losing steam . Be mindful of the artwork and quotes you place around your workspace and the impact those can have on your mindset . Plants are a great way to connect with nature and breathe life into a space . For those who are able to incorporate more wellness practices into daily life , a dedicated corner for stretching and yoga is a great option . Everyone ’ s idea of a calming work environment is a bit different , but making a point to incorporate a few calming elements will go a long way .
These are just a few ideas for low effort ways to incorporate wellness into the workday without taking time away from your obligations . However , the possibilities are endless , and wellness can look very different from person to person . I encourage you to take note of your current day-to-day work routine and incorporate one or two wellness-centered practices as you see fit .
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