Wellness in the Workplace
ASHLEY M . BOWCOTT Berman Fink Van Horn PC abowcott @ bfvlaw . com
For most of us , wellness culture has made its way into everyday life . It ’ s on the news , across social media channels , and top of mind for many family members and friends . For many of us in the legal profession , though , wellness culture may not have made its way into the workplace just yet . Other industries , like the technology sector , have placed wellness at the forefront of corporate culture . Google , for example , provides employees with onsite wellness centers , access to mental health apps , fitness centers and on-demand classes , and time to pursue personal passions and side projects . For those of us whose jobs don ’ t make wellness a priority for us , it can be more difficult to work wellness-centered practices into daily life . Personally , when I get busy with work , I know that one of the first things to go are my morning walks or evening workout classes . However , there are still ways to work wellness into the workplace without taking time away from your professional obligations . Here are a few :
Practicing breathwork is a great way to center yourself , especially in moments where you are feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list or ever-growing inbox . Our breathing tends to become less regulated and shallower when stressed , and breathwork can bring us back to the present moment , lower anxiety , and even improve posture . Box breathing is one practice that is suited for beginners . This type of breathwork consists of slowly inhaling to a certain count until your lungs are filled , holding the air in your lungs for another count , and then slowly releasing the air through your mouth for another count . This practice is ideally repeated three to seven times . There are different recommendations for the counts of each step : some advocate for four seconds of each , while others say four seconds to inhale , seven seconds to hold , and eight seconds to exhale is best . For beginners , it ’ s encouraged to listen to your body , be mindful of your breath , and let that guide your counts at the beginning . Even just drawing attention back to your body by deep breathing without any particular breathing technique is helpful . The next time you feel your heart rate rising at work , consider taking a minute or two to refocus on your breath .
Walking Meetings
Any movement that can be incorporated during the workday is beneficial . Some of us may have the luxury of being able to walk to lunch , or we may have a large office that requires us to take lots of steps throughout the day . For those who have to be more intentional about movement , consider which of your meetings throughout the day can be taken while walking .
Walking meetings may not be practical for every type of meeting , and you certainly aren ’ t going to appear at a virtual court hearing during a walk , but there are many benefits for those meetings that do lend themselves to being taken on foot . Beyond just the physical benefits of getting your body moving , walking meetings can boost your creativity . Walking gets blood flowing through your brain and body , and that can have a positive impact on creativity and clear thinking . Additionally , walking takes away the urge to scroll through emails or webpages while on a call and forces you to devote your time to the task at hand , which may have surprising benefits . These benefits may include added productivity , allowing your brain to focus just on the call and providing clearer ideas for a path forward . Cutting down on distractions can allow for moments of connection , so next time you ’ re dealing with a difficult opposing counsel , consider heading out for a walk before taking the call .
Walking meetings don ’ t just have to be for phone calls , either . Sometimes the best brainstorming sessions can come out of a walking meeting with a colleague . Rather than talking ideas over during lunch or in the office , see if your coworker wants to talk through a new legal issue on a walk instead .
Create a Calming Work Environment
While you may have little control over your workload or how often you work remotely versus in office , you do have control over the look and feel of your workspace . It is important to create a workstation — both at home and in the office — that is conducive to work , but also calming .
This includes the basics , such as ensuring you have a dedicated space to sit ( or stand ), a place to store papers and other files , and a station for a computer . As tempting as it may be , working from your bed or other lounge furniture is not going to be productive or beneficial to your health , and can blur the lines between work life and home life . Even if your workstation is just a dedicated seat
55 October / November 2023