Litigation Section
KEVIN PATRICK Kevin Patrick Law kevin @ patricktriallaw . com
Atlanta Bar Association Colleagues , On behalf of the Ligation Section Board of Directors , we truly understand that the strength of the Atlanta Bar Association and Litigation Section is rooted in service . The words of Rev . Martin Luther King , Jr . still ring true today , “ Life ’ s most persistent and urgent question is , ‘ What are you doing for others ?’” As fellow litigators , we remain committed during the 2023-2024 bar year and beyond to serving our profession , practice , and , most importantly , the public . We appreciate all of your support for our section , and please always feel free to call on us if there is anything we can do to be of service to you .
With warmest wishes , I remain Sincerely yours ,
Kevin Patrick
The Litigation Section of the Atlanta Bar Association is the largest section by membership and is comprised of litigators across the spectrum of practices , including plaintiff ’ s lawyers , defense lawyers , mediators , and dispute resolution practitioners , as well as judges from several different courts . Our events are known for both their educational , social , service aspects — indeed , this year our theme and mission is “ Litigators Serving the Profession , Practice , and Public .” The Section hosts nine monthly breakfast meetings a year at Ansley Golf Club featuring prominent litigators or judges who speak on various topics of interest and to build fellowship among the Section and across the bar .
We kicked off that series in September with a lively discussion about the “ State of the Judiciary ” with our panel of esteemed judges including the Honorable Jeffery W . Cavender , United States Bankruptcy Court , Northern District of Georgia ; the Honorable Verda M . Colvin , Supreme Court of Georgia ; the Honorable Stephen Louis A . Dillard , Georgia Court of Appeals ; the Honorable
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