Lorem ipsum
Folor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu tincidunt risus. Vestibulum ut magna scelerisque, lobortis dolor vel, tempor mauris. Cras nulla magna, laoreet ac commodo sed, suscipit aliquam lacus. Phasellus consectetur molestie sem, eget euismod nunc sollicitudin et. Fusce malesuada mattis purus, ultrices gravida nisl blandit pretium.
The students of third grade of junior high made a representation of atoms with every kind of materials.
We talked with professor Aurelio Arteta and he told us the three best protects:
--The most original by Valentina Becerra
--The most esthetic by Gorety and Karen
--The most technological by Jorge Lezama and Juan TapĂa