OCTOBER 2024 Pawsitively Pets issue to publish online | Page 8

- PET HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS - Walking Your Dog - by Cheyenne Pratt

Did you know the first week of October is National Walk Your Dog Week ? Pet lifestyle expert , Colleen Paige , came up with the idea in 2010 . Her goal was to raise awareness about canine obesity and the lack of physical activity dogs are getting these days . As people continue to become more sedentary , their dogs have no choice but to join them . Over 60 million households in the U . S . own a dog , and nearly 50 % of those dogs do not get walked regularly . An even higher percentage of dogs are overweight . Letting your dog out in the yard to run around may be a form of exercise , but it ' s not as beneficial as going for a walk . Dogs need variety in their life , and they aren ' t going to get it if they ' re stuck in the same yard , day in and day out . They need to explore new things and smell new smells ! Environmental enrichment is such an important part of a dog ' s health and well-being . Walking is a great , low impact , easy activity that can be done anytime , anywhere . Dogs of all ages , sizes , and breeds benefit from daily walks . Dog owners will reap the benefits of routine walks , as well , including reduced stress , improved cardiovascular health , lower blood pressure , and stronger muscles and bones .
Dogs that do not get adequate exercise have a higher risk of becoming overweight . On average , obese dogs live 2.5 years less than a dog at a healthy weight . Daily walks , along with a proper diet , will help your dog maintain a healthy weight . Being overweight also puts your dog at risk for several other health issues , like cancer , diabetes , pancreatitis , arthritis , and heart and kidney disease . In addition to weight management , walking will help promote your dog ' s joint health . Keeping the joints in motion improves their function and flexibility . Dogs that live a sedentary lifestyle will end up with stiff and painful joints , resulting in muscle loss and mobility issues .
Consistent walks will improve your dog ' s digestive and urinary health . Exercise helps to regulate the digestive tract , preventing constipation . Dogs tend to urinate or " mark " multiple times during a walk . This is beneficial because if the bladder is empty , the urine will not sit in there for long periods of time , decreasing the chance of a urinary tract infection .
When you walk your dog , you ' re simultaneously exercising their body and their brain . You may find it annoying that your dog wants to sniff everything while on a walk , but it is mentally stimulating for them . When dogs sniff , they are gathering information about their surroundings . Keeping your dog mentally stimulated will help prevent cognitive issues as they age . Dogs that don ' t get enough physical and mental stimulation may have behavioral issues . Properly exercised dogs feel more relaxed , so they are less likely to be destructive or bark excessively . Daily 30 minute walks can help reduce unwanted behavior . Walks expose them to new environments , people , and other dogs , which is important for building their confidence and social skills . Exposure to new things helps reduce anxiety and fear .
When starting a walking routine , keep in mind that every dog is different . The duration of your walk depends on the age and type of dog you have . Puppies should take shorter walks ( 5 minutes per month of age ), and gradually build up . For example , a 3 month old puppy can walk for 15 minutes . When you are in tune with your dog , you will learn how much exercise is the right amount and how much is too much . Some dogs may only need around 30 minutes of walking per day , while higher energy breeds may need an hour or two . If you are unable to walk your dog for long periods of time , you can split the walks throughout the day .
The best thing about walking your dog is the quality time you will have together . This is important for building and sustaining a strong bond . We love our dogs and want them to be with us for as long as possible . Walking your dog daily is one of the best things you can do for their overall health . Celebrate National Walk Your Dog Week by making a commitment to daily walks , set walking goals that challenge you both , or explore new routes .
A few words from your dog : " Walk with me ; don ' t just walk me . I know you ' ve got things to do , places to be . But out here , with the ground beneath our feet and the sky above us , there ' s a whole world worth noticing . You tug on the leash , eager to move on , and I can tell you ' re thinking about something far away from here . But when we walk , truly walk , you and I can be in this moment together . To you , it might be just another walk , a daily routine to tick off the list . But for me , every step is an adventure . Walk with me , don ' t just walk me . See the world as I do , if only for a little while ." - Source : Natalie P . from Labrador Forums
Pawsitively Pets -- October