October 2024 Newsletter | Page 17

Issue Number 24 | October 2024
S3 Geography Trip
Written by Nuala ( S3 )
The S3 ' s who picked Geography got to go on a field trip to Culzean Castle to help learn more in their topic of coasts . There were two trips over two weeks and there was two teachers who accompanied the students on each trip . During the trip they got to fill out workbooks , for part of the trip they were exploring the beach and measuring stones to see the rate of erosion , as well as exploring the cliffs to see how geographical features formed them . They also explored the big courtyard and learned how humans have impacted the natural world around them . After lunch they split into small groups and went to do a geographical survey of their surroundings either at the castle or the walled gardens . Then before they walked back to the bus , they had a quick explore around the play park . It was a very interesting and fun day we hope the S3 ' s had fun and learned something new too .