October 2024 Newsletter | Page 15

Issue Number 24 | October 2024
Spain – Music Trip Before the end of the school year , our music department took a group of talented individuals on a trip to Barcelona to perform concerts . They had to travel 36 hours by bus and catch a ferry to Barcelona . We interviewed Mr . Baillie , The Head of the Music department to ask how the Spain trip went .
We took the orchestra , the choir , the Ceilidh band and soloists to show them different experiences when performing . Mr . Ballie described his journey on the way to Spain as really fun , busy journey with lots of singing on the bus . They stopped at places on the way , and slept on the bus . It took them a day and a half to arrive ( approximately 36 hours !) starting the journey to Spain at 3.45am and arriving at 3pm the next day . They did 3 concerts , one in Barcelona and 2 in local towns each show took an hour . They also went shopping and sightseeing . The group of singers also went to a waterpark and went on a boat trip . They had two boats , one with the juniors and one with the seniors . Mr . Baillie said the climate in Spain was nice and warm . They were away for 6 days but spent 3 days in Spain due to the long journeys they made to get to their locations . The bus journey going back was good and many people were very tired , so the majority of the bus were asleep on the way back .
New friendships were made during the trip and students became good friends with each other . They took 47 pupils and 6 members of staff on the Spain trip . We are glad to know that the Spain trip was a success and that they had a good time .