OCR Cambridge Technicals in Media (year 1) handbook - 2013-14 Sept 2013 | Page 3

Welcome to the OCR L3 Cambridge Technical Diploma in Media studies course at South Leicestershire College. You will be studying for an OCR qualification in Media studies that will allow you to apply to Higher Education institutions to study for a degree or HND or enter employment The OCR Media course is a practical course and differs greatly from other academic courses. It is relevant to the media world of today as you will learn both theory and practice. The course is practical in two ways: ? ? The way you learn The activities you do For example, whilst you are on the course, you’ll plan, produce and perform a radio show, an extract for a TV programme, prepare print products and perhaps a magazine or newspaper as well as learn about institutions like the BBC or the Leicester Mercury. Your qualification will demonstrate to your employer or future employer that you are willing to learn and have developed media skills to enable you to carry out your job. Enjoy your first year of study on this course! Ann, Harvey, Sue ‘Learning is a big part of life’ 3