Ocean Acidification - Acid Ocean 1 | Page 8

Effects On Fish, Algae, and Zooplankton

The effects of Ocean acidification effects not just one thing like the Coral reefs but it effects every living organism with in it because it is the changing of a whole ecosystem. One species that is effected are members of the Parpyhletic species or fish. They are effected Because the surrounding water has a lower pH, a fish's cells often come into balance with the seawater by taking in carbonic acid. This changes the pH of the fish's blood, a condition called acidosis

ZooPlankton are greatly effected by rising acidity because they are a very key role in the cycle of rotating the Carbon and processing it. It has been found that the Zooplankton do not repond well at all to high acidity according to lab studies the zooplankton's shell breaks and they eventually die. Because of this it has been predicted that all of the Zooplankton in the South American oceans will be extinct.

Algae has always been a very important factor in filtering water with this boost in acidity it well have little to no effect on some Algaes in fact the higher level of acidity may be good for them. However it has a huge negative effect on coralline algae, which build calcium carbonate skeletons and help cement coral reefs, do not fare so well. Most coralline algae species build shells from the high-magnesium calcite form of calcium carbonate, which is more soluble than the aragonite or regular calcite forms. Meaning that with more acidification the C02 emissions being stored in coral will be released much quicker