Observing Memories Issue 3 | Page 95

looking memory that disappeared at the end of the Theodor Adorno and the historian Cyril L.R. James. twentieth century with the eclipse of utopias, when Traverso stays with the figure of Adorno and delves the idea of the “vanquished” faded away and the into his complex relationship with Benjamin, their paradigm of the “victim” took hold: «The memory theoretical commonalities and their differences, of the Gulag erased that of revolution, the memory of especially in their respective views of history and the Holocaust replaced that of antifascism, and the the conception of fascism. Lastly, Traverso sets memory of slavery eclipsed that of anti-colonialism: out Daniel Bensaïd’s rereading of Marx and the the remembrance of the victims seems unable to influence of Benjamin in order to confront “the end coexist with the recollection of their struggles, of of history”. their conquests and their defeats». Not only does Traverso pursue the melancholy This work of Traverso stands at a distance from his earlier books. His investigation into the memory universe of the left with the aid of a robust body of the left, incited to action by the explosive tension of theoretical works (Siegfried Kracauer, Walter between past and future, together with his genealogy Benjamin, Sigmund Freud, Reinhart Koselleck…), but of Marxism, serve as a theoretical recharge or he also reconstructs an entire genealogy of Marxist reloading for the left, placing value on a left-wing thought, delving into the (few) relations that the melancholia that «does not mean to abandon the Marxist school has retained with studies focusing idea of socialism or the hope for a better future; it on historical memory. Traverso also goes on to means to rethink socialism in a time in which its examine a wide range of films (movies directed by L. memory is lost, hidden, and forgotten and needs Visconti, G. Pontercorvo, T. Angelopoulos, K. Loach to be redeemed. This melancholia does not mean and others), using them as a barometer of left-wing lamenting a lost utopia, but rather rethinking a consciousness to reveal the left’s dilemmas and revolutionary project in a non revolutionary age». changes over time. Employing the concept of “sites of memory”, Traverso distances himself from Pierre Nora, instead highlighting the films’ storylines that pertain to the private, intimate, emotional and sensitive realm in which collective experiences intersect with individual fates and which Traverso describes as hidden, secret, “Marrano memories” with which everybody can identify in spite of their irreducible uniqueness. In his investigation of the left, Traverso continues with a thought-provoking analysis of the figure of the bohemian—from the artiste maudit, or accursed artist, to the scheming or conniving intellectual—and trains his eye on K. Marx, Gustave Courbet, W. Benjamin and L. Trotsky and the role that bohemians have played in revolutionary movements. Traverso also analyses Marx’s ethnocentrism within the context of the epistemic framework of the German’s times and how it affected his view of colonialism, an influence that would persist in later Marxist schools, such as the Frankfurt School, and that Traverso has dissected here in the form of a “missed dialogue” between REVIEW 93