What was your low point as an
Hmmm. Let me put it his way, failing is a low
point for me, I always try to do my best and I
critique myself at everything I do, even down
to smallest of details. So a low point for me
would be not doing something to best of my
ability and beating up myself over it.
What do you do for fun?
As I said before, drawing and graphic design I
enjoy doing, I would also say singing with my
friends and music on the whole whether it be
working or just listening to music there is
always a vibe
Who would you say is your
greatest source of motivation ?
My family, they empower me so much to
do better and my inspiration to be a better
What advice would you
give to any young lady
wishing to enter into the
Women We are powerful, and we can do
anything we put our mind too”. So to any
young lady, believe in yourself, stay true to
yourself, and you can achieve your goals, it
may not be a smooth journey, it is going to
be long, you will get some falls, but stay on
the correct path and your dreams will come