Obelisk 2022 | Page 7

the journal of literature and the arts at saint david ’ s school


The publication of Obelisk would not be possible without the backing of a great many people . Special thanks go to : Dr . David O ’ Halloran , Mrs . Ali Aoyama , Mrs . Esther Formosa , Mrs . Winnie Feng , and Mr . Jack Sproule for their support and assistance in the publication of this volume .
The creative teams of English and Art teachers deserve the utmost respect for the great work published here . For inspiring , shaping , and helping to select excellent student writing , thanks go to : Mr . Drew Burton , Mrs . Jennifer Kim , Ms . Margaret Lee , Ms . Abby Malone , Mrs . Jamie MacNeille , Ms . Catherine Milligan , Mr . Gene Romanosky , and Mr . Tom Ryan . For cultivating the vision and skill reflected in the splendid artwork in this volume , thanks go to : Mr . Bernard Adnet , Ms . Rachel Da Silva , Ms . Jenna Boccella , Ms . Melanie Fidler , and Mr . Jeremy Kassen . Extra thanks go to Ms . Melanie Fidler for her professional photographs of the boys ’ artwork .
This edition of Obelisk , like many others before it , is the result of the ever-reliable organization and leadership of Ms . RoseMarie Alfieri . Through each stage of compiling and refining this publication , she has been a wise and flexible guide , offering her experience , perspective , and encouragement wherever needed , while modeling a personal commitment to promoting boys ’ voices and visions . Obelisk is also indebted to Mr . Peter Martin , who has contributed his diligence and energetic support to the publication process .
This year , we also owe tremendous thanks to the alumni on our External Selection Committee : Philip Bliss ’ 13 , Taylor Foran ’ 05 , Thomas Harvey ’ 13 , Skakel McCooey ’ 13 , and Tommy Robertshaw ’ 10 . Each one of these good men