Obelisk 2022 | Page 4

obelisk 2022
Copyright 2022 by Saint David ’ s School
All rights reserved . No part of this journal may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system , or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic , photocopying or otherwise without the expressed permission of Saint David ’ s School . Authors are responsible for the originality of their works , which represent original material or new derivative versions of pre-existing selections . Any rights infringed upon or omissions herein are unintentional .
Printed and bound by Zodiac Printing Corporation , Mountaintop , PA
Obelisk is produced once a year by Upper School students and faculty members of Saint David ’ s School .
Front Cover : Kiran Kosaraju , Grade 8 , Homage to Dorothea Lange Saint David ’ s logo designed by Lino S . Lipinsky
ISSN : 2578-174X ISBN 13 : 9780990493181 Typeface : Garamond
Published by Saint David ’ s School 12 East 89th Street , New York , NY 10128-0678 www . saintdavids . org