Oasis Magazine - Cairns & Tropical North Queensland Issue 28 - Feb | Mar 2019 | Page 20
Jessica O’Connor
Personal Trainer
We do it every year. Preach “New year, New me” for the
first few weeks on January. Perhaps join a gym, maybe
even deposit our loose change into a piggy bank that
cost more to buy than its contents will ever have -but after the
novelty wears off, what then? We always vow to stick
to our resolutions, but sometimes that one piece of
cake happens, or maybe it was that huge sale at Kmart
and everything starts to unravel.
We spoke to a few industry professionals that are all too familiar
with the “Resolutioners” bursting through the doors January
1st, and have their tips and tricks to stay on track for longer
than the month of January.
Scott Smith
Finance Broker
Matt Savant
1. What was your personal ‘New Years Resolution’?
different ways such as ‘cutting out junk food’ or
Jessica: My primary goal of 2019, as a female fat ‘getting fit’ but the primary goal behind these vague
loss coach, is to use my skills and knowledge to objectives is generally weight loss.
help as many women as possible love the skin they’re
in; both online and in Cairns World Gym where I Matt: The biggest percentage is Quit Smoking, Weight
meet my personal clients. I’m also an amateur Loss, stress reduction and alcohol reduction.
powerlifter, so my coach and myself set some
performance goals specific to my sport for this year. Scott: The most common resolutions I hear are: have
a better work life balance, Better manage cash, save
Matt: We don't do New Year's Resolutions as such, more and spend less, Create a budget and stick to it ,
we set our yearly goals in early January, incorporating Get off credit cards for good!
5 main areas - Health, Lifestyle, Finances, Work/Busi-
ness and Relationships. We work towards a balance 3.Why do you think it is so common for people to
for all of these areas because if they aren't balanced, ‘fail’ their resolutions?
things don't go to plan - for instance if you only focus Jessica: I think that people set themselves up to fail
on Finances to the detriment of Health, there's because they set unrealistic expectations of
no point being the richest person in the cemetery. themselves and pair those expectations with
unsustainable practices.
Scott: Keep delivering great client outcomes despite
lenders tightening their purse-strings, Improve my Matt: We find that they've failed in the past because
work life balance, Use the barra boat finally and finally they've failed to plan. Big resolutions or goals need
to be broken down into small steps and by focusing
Exercise daily
on the small steps, the big goal can't help but
be achieved. We like the 'SMART Goal' acronym,
2. What is the most common ‘New Year’s
resolution’ you hear from clients in your industry? S - Specific, M - Measurable, A - Accountable,
Jessica: Definitely weight loss! I hear it in lot’s of R - Realistic, T - Time (achieved by a set date).