from the ‘ edge of the seat ’ playing in the faster sections to a whispered pianissimo in the poignant middle movement .
The band ’ s second featured soloist is Eb tubist Chris Webster , who presents a delightful solo arranged especially for him for his graduation recital by Dorothy Gates , Nobody Does it Better , from the James Bond movie The Spy who Loved Me , which is cleverly merged with Jesus Loves Me .
Amazing God is a new song composed by Lee Fisher , Songster Leader at Droitwich Spa Corps in the UK . Erik Jones , in his introductory comments , revealed that the song reminds us all that “ the God that created the Heavens and Earth is the same God that hears our prayers and walks besides us through all of life ’ s troubles .”
Worthy is the Lamb by Australian composer Roger Trigg , himself a member of the New York Staff Band between 1997 and 2001 , is a piece that was new to this reviewer . Based on the Hillsong worship song of the same name , the music grows to a majestic and powerful conclusion and will be a useful addition to many corps bands ’ repertoires .
The songsters ’ next selection is Andrew Blyth ’ s I will Praise you , which proclaims that in all of our circumstances the Lord will be by our side , followed by Humbly Bow , featuring soloist Captain Margaret Quatela .
He watches is a new arrangement by Joel Collier of the much-loved song His eye is on the sparrow . A melancholy opening features a duet between solo cornet and trombone , before progressing from the minor key into a more optimistic major key setting of the tune .
Concluding the programme was NYSB alumni Peter Graham ’ s To Boldly Go , which was written for the 130th anniversary of the Melbourne Staff Band . Featuring the songs I ’ ll not turn back and I ’ ll go in the strength of the Lord , the band gives a scintillating rendition , which features notable solo contributions from Anthony Barrington ( cornet ) and Aaron Vanderweele ( euphonium ).
Although it is hoped that such concerts will be shared with live audiences again soon , there is no doubt that online presentations such as this can be a powerful ministry tool for the foreseeable future , and we look forward to receiving more such presentations from the NYSB and ETSS .