NYSB Bulletin Summer / Fall 2021 | Page 7

NYSB & ETSS Concert Review

By Andrew Wainwright
JUNE 11 , 2021 – During what has undoubtedly been the most challenging period for musical groups in living memory , one of the positives to arise has been the opportunity to witness the innovations that such challenges have brought . One of those has been the increased use of social media platforms to reach many more viewers than might ordinarily have been the case . Perhaps one of the most active brass bands anywhere in the world in this respect has been the New York Staff Band , which has been able to continue its ministry for much of the lockdown period and reach thousands in an online setting .
This joint concert between the NYSB and Eastern Territorial Staff Songsters displays just how far online concerts have come , with stunning production values and audio
quality to match , and a wide range of camera angles and close-ups of the musicians placing the viewer in the midst of the action . The lyrics shown on screen throughout also provide another dimension and help in the viewer ’ s understanding of the music being presented . Shot in the hallowed halls of Centennial Memorial Temple in the heart of New York City , the groups provide a varied programme on the theme ‘ Hope Assured ’, which is introduced by the band ’ s Executive Officer , Lt . Col . Kathleen Steele .
Commencing with Martin Cordner ’ s festival march Crossbearers , the band is in fine form from the off , demonstrating a fine attention to detail and tight ensemble , despite being somewhat socially distanced .
Richard Phillips ’ arrangement of In Christ Alone showcases Aaron Vanderweele ’ s rich
tone and extensive upper range , in which we are reminded of the truth that in Christ is my ‘ light , my strength , my song .’
It is so good to hear the songsters , under their leader Erik Jones , after such an extended period without choirs being able to get together . The uplifting We are more than conquerors ( Mark Hayes ) was an apt choice to commence their programme , demonstrating the songsters ’ clear diction and resonant tone .
The major work of the programme is Steven Ponsford ’ s Life Ablaze , which features three relatively modern worship songs – Happy Day , The Potter ’ s Hand and Everlasting God , which are woven together to provide a powerful worship experience . The band ’ s technique is razor sharp and its wide dynamic range was particularly apparent ,