Band visit to the Congress in England , where we performed his wonderful “ Cathedral Suite ’, along with songster brigades , dance , and drama , in the Wembley Arena !
My year in the NYSB under Brian ’ s leadership was a wonderful experience . Brian ’ s leadership style wasn ’ t everyone ’ s ‘ cup of tea ’, as he developed his style in a slightly different culture . My background helped me be very comfortable in his band , and he certainly produced the best out of that group of musicians . The Far East Tour was an amazing experience and memories still float back to me , such as playing at the Seoul Boys Home , concerts in Japan , Singapore , and Australia !
I salute you , Brian , as an SA composer and bandmaster , but , more importantly , as an upright Christian gentleman .
With the retirement of NYSB B / M
Derek Smith , Salvationists in the territory and around the world wondered , who could be the next Bandmaster ? Soon it was announced that internationally renown Brian Bowen was selected and accepted the opportunity to relocate from the United Kingdom to the United States to assume this role . Many of us didn ’ t know him personally , but we were aware of his extraordinary music compositions and complimentary conducting ability . The excitement grew for his arrival and we all looked forward to how his leadership would influence the New York Staff Band and , consequently , banding throughout the territory .
Imagine my anxiety when shortly after his arrival and successful transition , I was appointed to THQ and invited to fulfill a lifelong dream with an audition for a seat in the band . Deputy B / M Ron Waiksnoris and Brian met with me in the band room on 14th Street in Manhattan . I had never been so nervous in my life for this opportunity to meet the new Bandmaster and have him adjudicate my capacity to contribute to the band . Throughout the experience , he was careful to challenge me , but gentle in the relationship . Upon the horrid sound of a high register note missed , he offered advice as to how to make it right and on the second attempt , all was well .
Brian Bowen was a remarkable man with strong musical expectations and standards . He made sure that the Band persons had the opportunities to be challenged with musical excellence and grace . In that way he could be demanding , but those who were with him understood
“ Brian Bowen was a remarkable man with strong musical expectations and standards .”