Editorial Guidelines
Standardization of our editorial efforts allows NYBCe to put forth a unified and recognizable voice across our communication channels . Please always apply the Do ’ s and Don ’ ts below to ensure cohesive messaging Enterprise-wide :
DO ’ S
• Do use a lowercase ‘ e ’ not uppercase for the NYBC Enterprises acronym ( NYBCe not NYBCE )
• Do refer to the blood center ’ s in our Enterprise as Divisions not Affiliates
• Do format the date without using superscript letters ( Monday , June 3 , 2020 not Monday , June 3 rd , 2020 )
• Do format the time with uppercase AM / PM and no spaces between the digits and letters ( 7:45AM – 8:30PM )
• Do format phone numbers as 212.570.3000 ( not ( 212 ) 570-3000 or 212-570-3000 )
• Do format website addresses without ‘ www ’ in front ( nybce . org )
• Do type the word website as one word , not two separate words ( website not web site )
• Do use one space between sentences not two spaces
• Do place periods and commas inside quotation marks (“ We help save lives ,” he said .)
• Do use the Oxford or serial-comma rule when joining three or more elements in a series ( mission , vision , and values not mission , vision and values )
• Don ’ t include the word ‘ the ’ in front of Division names ( Since 1964 , the New York Blood Center has been a vital community lifeline )
• Don ’ t hyphenate the words lifesaving and nonprofit ( lifesaving not life-saving , nonprofit not not-for-profit or non-profit )
• Don ’ t include periods on academic degrees and credentials ( PhD not Ph . D .)
• Don ’ t use any fonts other than the NYBCe approved fonts in this manual
• Don ’ t use images , video footage , or music of any kind that has not been purchased by an approved vendor to ensure all media used is royalty-free and high quality ( royalty-free refers to materials subject to copyright or other intellectual property rights that designers pay royalties / license fees to use )
Editorial & Grammatical Resource . The APA Style Guide is a very useful tool and handy guide for ensuring consistency in our communications and answering common grammatical questions — please use this guide as a reference in addition to the aforementioned tips .