NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 5
or a Juvenile Intake Worker. Officials
say the added space allows them to
have more programs for the kids.
old. The Shelter accommodates
up to 18 youth at one time and
houses both males and females.
Every year, Brown County Shelter
Care helps about 350 kids in need
of temporary housing. To be placed
at Shelter Care, the youth must be
found eligible by the Juvenile Court
“We’re going to be using that to
help kids learn how to fix bicycles,
possibly an earn a bike program and
in the back of the facility there is a
path that has been mowed and kids
can get outside and use the path
to get their energy out,” said Kevin
Brennan, Manager of Children, Youth
and Families at the Brown County
Human Services Department.
There were sixteen NWTC students
involved in the project which was
also supported by the electrical
committee Local Union 158 as well
as Graybar Electric. NWTC Instructor
Kevin Weigman shared, “Our group
provided the material and wiring of
the garage and storage area. It was a
great experience for the students.”
During the building’s unveiling event,
bikes and helmets were also donated
for the children to use freely.