NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 38

OPIOIDS NARCAN KIT ASSEMBLY Addressing the opioid epidemic one kit at a time. According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, an average of about three people die in Wisconsin each day from opioid-related overdoses. But people are working on the front lines to bring that number down. Across the state, people are getting trained on how to administer naloxone, better known as Narcan, the antidote that can save a life. Recently, as the result of a state grant, the AIDS Resource Center dispenses a two-pack Narcan kit for free to anyone in need, along with simple directions on how to administer the spray. 37 On a rainy spring morning, a group of nursing program students gathered at the center to help out and learn more about the cause. Nursing faculty member Cheryl Kollath shared, “The students are assembling NARCAN kits and they’re distributed to anybody who needs them. If you had anybody in your family who uses drugs or opioids who overdosed you could come and grab a kit completely for free.” Through this activity, the students not only learn more about the opioid epidemic, but they also become advocates for inclusive patient care. “One of the biggest things that