NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 17

Sticha continued, “I think because of this type of learning experience, the real-life situation they are put into, they learn more and retain more about the processes they are exposed to than anything we can give them in the classroom.” Throughout the fall and spring, students installed permeable pavers between the NWTC Horticulture building and the Green Bay Botanical Garden. Permeable pavers are unique and sustainable in that rainwater passes around the paver as opposed to through it. This type of system allows the movement of water and air around the paving material leading to enhanced durability and longevity. Students involved with the program say they learn more and feel pride when drafting designs that may ultimately change landscapes in the community, as opposed to learning activities that teach students design principles by having them copy other designs. Outside of the classroom, the Landscape Horticulture club gives back to the community whenever possible. Annually the students’ complete spring and fall cleanups for Options for Independent Living, volunteer during the Garden of Lights event at the Green Bay Botanical Garden, and paint pumpkins for the Pink Pumpkin Run/Walk. 16