NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 11

serve in groups alongside other like- minded peers, while exploring ways they can use their career interests and skills to make a positive impact. Since the program’s inception in 2016, 143 students have participated in 28 NWTC Service Days serving 8 unique community partners. 67% of participants reported they were extremely satisfied with the service activity and experience, while 33% reported they were satisfied. 94% of respondents reported they would consider participating in more NWTC Service Days in the future. Alicia Hartwig, a Service Day participant volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul shared, “As a future nurse, it is my responsibility to make sure my patients have the proper necessities or resources to manage a healthy lifestyle despite their economic status.” She continued, “It is programs like this that will help decrease the chance of preventable health issues. I am honored to have participated in such a community-driven program.” Each student participating in an NWTC Service Day is provided the opportunity to reflect upon their experience. Reflection helps students thoughtfully process their community work. It also helps them critically assess and understand what they are seeing and doing in relation to what they’re learning in the classroom. “This project showed me how to be accountable, communicate, problem- solve, value our differences, critically think, and show accountability as a community member,” said Jessica Jones, an Associate Degree Nursing student who volunteered alongside peers at the NEW Community Shelter. “Who would have thought all of those qualities would show up through baking cookies, serving lunch, and re-stocking vending machines?” NWTC SERVICE DAY COMMUNITY PARTNERS   St. Vincent de Paul   NEW Community Shelter   Brown County Memory Café   Oneida Tribe of Indians   Paul’s Pantry   Feeding America   The Volunteer Center   of Brown County   The Sexual Assault Center   of Family Services 10