NWTC Equity Guide 68115HR_Equity Guide_8x8_FINAL_single pages_FINAL | Page 7

Creating awareness of , embracing , and integrating equity into the fabric of our College will likely :
Increase diverse student applications and enrollments , which lead to increased tuition revenue Increase retention of students , faculty and staff , leading to more productivity , and money saved Build academic scores and increase student completion and persistence rates , leading to quicker time to completion and money saved Promote new and diverse ideas , leading to new collaborations which may bring in new grants or other funding opportunities Increase promotions and leadership positions for diverse individuals , therefore less turnovers and money saved Increase diversity programs and events , thus generating increased new internal and external financial support Increase supplier diversity , therefore bringing new support and money from diverse vendors Increase commitment to community issues , therefore generating support leading to increased social understanding and interacting Enhance campus diversity practices that will attract more diverse alumni funding Lessen the amount of discrimination cases against the institution , therefore money saved
Recognizing the Land and those before us …
Time is in constant motion but within each passing moment , we ought to pause to acknowledge the history that has accumulated in the establishment of the present . Such a pause acknowledges the justices and injustices found in the historical narrative and challenges us to continue the journey toward a positive future .
Let us pause to honor that the story of the current institution began before the current bricks and concrete . It has been built on the lands originally of the sovereign nations of the Winnebago and Menominee people . In time , with treaty and payment , the Winnebago and Menominee Nations welcomed the incoming people of the Oneida Nation to inhabit the land where this institution currently stands . Its buildings remain within the boundaries of the Oneida Nation Reservation even after the establishment of State , county and other municipalities of Wisconsin .
Continue to honor the narrative of this plot of land and the people involved in its story . Its significance is humbling and should encourage us to respect the people who have made this land their home , to welcome those who are passing through and to provide equitable opportunities for the future belonging of our children .