NWTC Equity Guide 68115HR_Equity Guide_8x8_FINAL_single pages_FINAL | Page 28

Where we are As the demographic profile of Northeast Wisconsin changes, so does NWTC. We continue to review and enhance our services, update our policies, and communicate the benefit of changes as an institution of higher learning. In any five-year period, half of the adults in Northeast Wisconsin will receive some sort of education, training or service from NWTC. Definition of Equity Equity Guide Meeting all students where they are and removing barriers to student success so they can achieve course and program completion, and attain a career. Highlights the College’s current and future efforts related to equity and inclusion. 2018 Strategic Goals Diversity Team Will enhance the environment with a focus placed on equity, inclusion, and the cultural competency of its employees. Achievement Gap and Recruitment of Diverse Workforce Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Five Year Plan Compliance around Employment and Student Programs Dream Core Team A comprehensive movement centered around student success built on equity and excellence. 28