Creating an Ethnic and
Racially Diverse Workforce
Current Efforts and Data
Strategic Hiring
In order for the College to maintain the status of “Destination Employer” in today’s market, NWTC must
be strategic and pro-active to broaden the candidate pool, increasing both the quality and diversity of
prospective candidates.
Human Resources created a Guide to Recruiting, Hiring and Interviewing a Diverse Workforce* to assist
with our commitment to diversifying our employee base. The guide outlines existing recruitment practices
and highlights the expansion of more intentional – passive and active – ways to build up the applicant pools
when a position opens. Future development of this guide will focus on understanding how our own biases
impact how we interview and who we hire.
Future Faculty Career Fair
Future Faculty Career Fair, a program targeted for diverse professionals and NWTC graduates, was first held
on April 8, 2015. This program highlighted credentials required to be qualified to become a faculty member,
the Instructional Preparation Academy, and mentoring opportunities with current NWTC faculty. The
program was also used to attract a diverse faculty candidate pool for the fall 2015 semester.
Over 2,500 diverse alumni, 32 benefit eligible non-faculty employees, and 95 part-time employees received
personal invitations to attend the Future Faculty Career Fair. The event attracted over 150 individuals with
over 20 percent reflecting diversity.
Future Faculty Fair will become an annual event for the College.