NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 139

Course Descriptions
Illustrator Fundamentals 10111161 Develop basic knowledge and skills using Adobe Illustrator , apply vector graphic strategies into graphic design medias and integration into other software packages . Course content covers creating basic shapes , drawing , transforming elements , working with type , blending , layers and special effects . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Intro to Ethics : Theory & App 10809166 Basic understanding of theoretical foundations of ethical thought ; analyze / compare relevant issues using diverse ethical perspectives ; critically evaluate individual , social / professional standards of behavior-- applying a systematic decision-making process . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 15 ; OR 10-831-107 , College Reading and Writing with a B or better ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
English Composition 1 10801136 Learners develop knowledge / skills in planning , organizing , writing , editing . Students will also analyze audience / purpose , use elements of research , format documents using standard guidelines , and develop critical reading skills . ( Prerequisite : High school GPA greater / equal to 2.6 ; OR ACT Reading score greater / equal to 16 AND English greater / equal to 18 ; OR Next Gen Reading score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 260 ; OR " preparatory course ( s )", contact academic advisor at 920-498-5444 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
College 101 10890101 Students will utilize digital tools and resources to assess , explore , practice , apply , and evaluate both employability and learning skills . By establishing NWTC cultural values as hallmarks of success in academic , career , and personal settings the course encourages reflective , personalized development of a growth mindset and emphasizes the importance of making wise choices . To maximize the return on investment , students should take this course in their first semester as it identifies key expectations ( hidden rules ) of higher learning and professional employment . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Photoshop Fundamentals 10111101 Photoshop is the essential tool for digital image manipulation in graphic design , web design , and photography . Students develop technical skills in solving visual design and production problems . Instruction covers Photoshop ’ s vast array of tools , filters , and procedures including workspace basics , image resizing , output preparation , layer management , selection strategies , editing and adjustment basics , composites , filters , and effects . A portfolio of digitally generated and manipulated images is completed to demonstrate course competencies and learning objectives have been met . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Graphic Design Fundamentals 10111112 Explore and discover graphic design careers . Course content covers history of graphic design , concept strategies , presentation and critique processes . Begin applying design principles , design solutions , and design requirements . ( Corequisite : 10-111-161 , Illustrator Fundamentals ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Career Planning 10105101 Experiential learning introduction . Learn how personal branding allows candidates to differentiate themselves from the competition through appearance , personality , and marketing competency . Career portfolio introduced . ( Corequisite : 10-890-101 , College 101 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Layout & Composition 10111125 Develop skills in digital composition and layout using industry software . Course content covers appropriate software selection , graphic and text content management , color specifications , file preparation , and software solutions to graphic communication problems . ( Prerequisite : 10-111-161 , Illustrator Fundamentals ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Photoshop Advanced 10111110 Perform raster Image Editing . Course content covers advanced functions of Adobe Photoshop , advanced editing techniques and short cut keys . Create image effects and composite files using Adobe CC software , and manage project components for complex Photoshop files . ( Prerequisite : 10-111-101 , Photoshop Fundamentals ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Oral / Interpersonal Comm 10801196 This course focuses on developing effective listening techniques and verbal and nonverbal communication skills through oral presentation , group activity , and other projects . The study of self , conflict , and cultural contexts will be explored , as well as their impact on communication . ( Prerequisite : Next Gen Rdg score greater / equal to 250 AND Writing score greater / equal to 237 ; OR ACT Rdg score greater / equal to 16 AND English score greater / equal to 16 ; OR preparatory course-contact an academic advisor at 920-498-5444 ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Graphic Design Development 10111126 Develop graphic design standards . Course content covers graphic design composition including image content , color strategies , typography usage , proofing and ethical standards . Begin active participation in portfolio assessment critique process . ( Prerequisite : 10-111-112 , Graphic Design Fundamentals ) Course Typically Offered : Fall Spring
Photography-Digital 10203104 Learn basic digital camera operations for capturing still images . Develop skills needed to create a proper exposure in various camera modes in addition to lens selection , lighting basics and creative compositions . Access to an SLR or mirrorless digital camera required . Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring
Career Preparation 10105103 Create professional resume and cover letter , prepare for interviews , understand interviewing techniques , participate in a mock interview , evaluate outcomes of interview , and prepare for Career Experience . ( Prerequisites : 10-105-101 , Career Planning ) Course Typically Offered : Summer Fall Spring