NWTC College Program Guide 2023-2024 | Page 138

Printed : 10 / 24 / 2022 9:55:53 AM Academic year : 2023-2024
Design and Graphic Technology - Associate Degree
Program Code : 101117
Creative design professionals combine artistic abilities with technical knowledge to create designs used in print and digital content . During your studies , you will create , maintain and present a professional portfolio showcasing your professional work . As a graduate of the Design and Graphic Technology program , you are positioned for a variety of careers including graphic designer , marketing specialist , digital print technician , graphic artist , pre-press technician , social media manager and content creator .
Day Evening Full-time Part-time
Explore Locations
This program is offered at :
Green Bay
Program Costs & Financial Aid
Tuition : $ 10,485 , Books : $ 259 , Supplies : $ 150 Total Approximate Costs $ 10,894
This program is eligible for financial aid . ( https :// www . nwtc . edu / admissions-and-aid / paying-for-college )
Estimates based on in-state residency . Learn more about tuition and fees . ( https :// www . nwtc . edu / admissions-and-aid / paying-for-college / tuition-and-fees )
Requirements for Program Entry
Apply at www . nwtc . edu / apply . Submit high school , GED , or HSED transcripts and college transcripts ( if applicable ) to transcripts @ nwtc . edu
Tip ! Our admission advisors will assist you through every step . Have questions ? Connect with NWTC Admissions at start @ nwtc . edu or 920-498-5444 .
Program Outcomes
Apply the principles of design to develop strategic marketing and communication products and services . Demonstrate proficiency in the use of design software , tools and technology . Implement creative solutions from concept through completion using a formal process . Apply effective legal and ethical business practices and project management skills . Communicate artwork rationale in formal and informal settings .
Programs in the College of Business at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs . ACBSP ' s accreditation process follows the Baldrige model . The accreditation focuses on recognizing teaching excellence , determining student learning outcomes , and a continuous improvement model . ACBSP ’ s student-centered teaching and learning approach , which is measured and analyzed for quality , ensures that students gain the right skills from their educational investment . Institutions with programs accredited by ACBSP are committed to continuous improvement that ensures their business program will give students the skills employers want . ACBSP - World Headquarters 11520 West 119th Street Overland Park , KS 66213 Phone : ( 913 ) 339-9356 www . acbsp . com
Students following the study plan below will complete the Design and Graphic Technology associate degree in the number of semesters shown .
First Semester 8 Week 1 10111161 - Illustrator Fundamentals 3 10809166 - Intro to Ethics : Theory & App 3 10801136 - English Composition 1 3
8 Week 2
10890101 - College 101
10111101 - Photoshop Fundamentals
10111112 - Graphic Design Fundamentals
10105101 - Career Planning
Semester Total 17
Second Semester 8 Week 1 10111125 - Layout & Composition 3 10111110 - Photoshop Advanced 3 10801196 - Oral / Interpersonal Comm 3
8 Week 2
10111126 - Graphic Design Development
10203104 - Photography-Digital
10105103 - Career Preparation
Semester Total 16
Third Semester 8 Week 1 10804134 - Mathematical Reasoning 3
10111165 - Typography 3 10204110 - Digital Print Fundamentals 3
8 Week 2
10111131 - Graphic Design Project Mgmt
10111130 - Online Media Design
Semester Total 15
Fourth Semester 8 Week 1 10809172 - Intro to Diversity Studies 3 10111140 - Integrated Design 3
8 Week 2
10204126 - Digital Color Management
10809198 - Intro to Psychology
10111144 - Graphic Design Application
Full Semester 10111199 - Des / Graphic Career Experience 2
Semester Total 17
Total Credits 65
Curriculum Note : The credit for 10-890-101 , College 101 is an Institutional Requirement for graduation . Consequently , it is not part of the program requirements , but must be passed with a C or better .
It is recommended that learners take the Design and Graphic Technology Career Experience course ( 10-111- 199 ) in their last semester .