NWTC College Program Guide 2022-2023 | Page 198

30-090-387 FARM RECORD / BUSINESS ANALYSIS ... Farm Business mission , objectives , goals , use of farm credit , farm business arrangements , orderly farm transfer , farm estate planning , farm income tax preparation , computer records and farm business analysis . Course Typically Offered : Summer
30-090-388 CROP MANAGEMENT ... economics , alternative crop strategies , production management , variety selection , maintenance fertilization , pest controls and weed chemicals , harvesting , storage , marketing and farm business analysis , specialty crops , government programs and developing crop budgets . Course Typically Offered : Summer
30-090-391 LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT ... livestock selection , breeding management , herd health , young stock management , selection , operation and maintenance of milking , feeding , ventilation and manure handling systems , farm buildings , feed storage and farm business analysis . Course Typically Offered : Summer
30-090-392 LIVESTOCK NUTRITION ... nutritional terminology feeding management , economics of feeds , nutritional terminology requirements for maintenance , estimating feed consumption , feed tag labels for protein , energy , minerals and vitamins , evaluate feeding programs and metabolic diseases . Course Typically Offered : Summer
30-090-393 SOIL MANAGEMENT ... preparing and implementing a land use plan , soil testing procedures and reports , corrective fertilizers , soil conservation , tillage operations , nutrient management plan and implementations . Course Typically Offered : Summer
30-090-394 FARM BUSINESS OPERATION ... farm organization , budgeting , cash �ow , �nancial statements , record keeping systems , tax issues , business structure for farm operation , credit needs , farm business analysis , farm safety , employee management , marketing plan . Course Typically Offered : Summer