Off to the Western Dressage World Championships
Knight and I had a great show winning equitation and all three of our tests with our highest
score being a 70.668 which is great!
Belle won suitability and basic level test 1 plus placing second in test 3 and 4.
Rowdy Spirit, my introductory level horse placed second in test 3.
Money of Joy ridden by Sarah Beth Arnold won introductory level test 4 and placed second for
overall high score champion where they average the scores on your two best tests.
Once in a while in life, something tickles your fancy and you choose to do that
thing. You read about it and work at it and seek professional advice on how
to achieve that thing. Then you compete with other teams over the years to
contest your ability at that thing. My thing was western dressage and my team
became world champions.
Scot MacGregor
NWHA National News 30