NWHA National News December Issue | Page 29

In western dressage you are tested one at a time so there aren’t many horses warming up at the same time. The seven I saw were some of the best in the world and I was concerned that we might not be good enough. Knight has been undefeated in Tennessee Walking Horse dressage competitions for the last six years but this show is for all breeds, trotting breeds compete against each other and gaited breeds compete against each other separately but as two halves of the same show. We warmed up great and as my test time arrived, over the sound system was read, “Next will be gaited third level test 1 sponsored by the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association.” It is hard to describe how proud it made me feel that my breed’s registry and organization sponsored my division. I gave Knight a pat and said quietly to him, “Let’s go show them what a Tennessee Walker looks like.”