NW Reports -- Winter 2014 | Page 4

CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION NWFPA Staff Contacts David Zepponi President Connie Kirby Vice President, Scientific & Technical Affairs Two Daves Recall 50 Years of NWFPA Memories of Excellence Dave Klick Cluster Outreach Executive Pam Barrow, J.D. Director, Energy & Sustainability James Curry Director, Government Affairs Dave Pahl President 1962 - 2000 Tawnia Linde Membership Development Manager David McGiverin Director, Environmental Affairs and Workforce Nick Allen Policy & Communications Support Specialist Patty Pepin Director, Accounting and Operations Alisa Zwanger Senior Marketing Manager Karen Waggoner Events Manager There have been four Daves on the NWFPA staff in the last 50 years – including two “younger ones,” Dave Zepponi and David McGiverin – but with a combined 80 years of employment at NWFPA, Dave Pahl (1962-2000) and Dave Klick (1971-Present) go back a half century to reminisce on some favorite moments in NWFPA history. He was a country boy from Pendleton, fresh out of Oregon State University with a crew cut, FFA state leadership experience, and an agriculture economics degree. Dave A. Pahl began his 38-year career in 1962 with the Northwest Canners and Freezers Association, as assistant to executive secretary Cecil Tulley. Dave Klick Cluster Outreach Executive 1971 - present Pahl’s first assignment was to supervise the sample display for the 1963 convention. This annual event began in the 1930s and was a valuable opportunity for food company personnel and buyers to compare products among competing companies. Noticing that samples submitted by some companies seemed flawless, association leaders decided that all samples for display would be collected from warehouse stocks by an association staff member. Pahl rapidly became acquainted with member management, operations and industry issues. David Pahl succeeded Tulley as the 6th executive officer in 1968. This Erin Griffin remarkable executive management stability continues today. In 2001, Dave PR & Promotions Manager, Centennial Celebration Zepponi, current NWFPA president, became only the 7th full-time CEO since the association was founded 100 years ago. Northwest Reports is an official publication of Northwest Food Processors Association 8338 NE Ald